Cultivating Renewable Chemicals
We’re passionate about helping you achieve your company’s environmental, sustainability and governance commitments through the use of sustainable oleochemical products.
Green from the ground up. Beef tallow and palm oil production squander land, water, energy and human resources—all the while generating a large volume of greenhouse gasses. By moving away from the tallow- and palm oil-based feedstocks traditionally used in fatty acid production, our vegetable-based oleochemicals are sustainable from the start.
Efficient bio-processing is key. Our Biocatalytic Splitting Technology (BST) break ups and partitions a wide variety of plant-based oils into their intermediate chemistries, creating sustainable oleochemicals while minimizing the greenhouse gas and volatile organic compound (VOC) emmisions associated with tallow and palm oil processes. A low-energy bioprocess, BST produces oleochemicals at ambient pressures and temperatures, saving up to 80% of the energy required by conventional oleochemical processes. Yields are on par and quality in many cases is superior to conventional oleo processing. And the resulting products are blended to be replacements to oleochemical products made from tallow, palm oil or other feedstocks.

how can we help you?
Contact us today to get started.

7400 Newman Boulevard, Dexter, MI 48130

(734) 205-1611
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